
标题: 测量不确定度的讨论 [打印本页]

作者: esky520    时间: 2016-8-18 22:16
标题: 测量不确定度的讨论

朱凤敏[1] 张太平[1] 李同君[2] 曹慧楠[1][1]黑龙江测绘计量仪器检定站,黑龙江哈尔滨150086 [2]绥汾河市鑫达土地勘测有限公司,黑龙江绥汾河157300摘 要:以往我们都用“误差”来评定测量结果的好坏,随着生产和科学技术的发展,这一评定方法已不适应现今形势。故而引出用“测量不确定度”来评定测量结果。我国1999年就发布了国家计量技术规范JJG1059--1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》,本文根据相关的测量规范,就二者的区别和不确定度表示方法评定做一简单的分析和探讨。[著者文摘]

关键词:误差 测量不确定度
分类号: P20[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-5867(2006)04-0105-02栏目信息:技术应用集锦
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Brief Discussion on Uncertainty Degree of SurveyZHU Feng-min, ZHANG Tai-ping, LI Tong-jun, CAO Hui-nan 1. Heilongjiang Verification Station of Metrological Instruments of Surveying and Mapping, Harbin 150086, China; 2. Xinda Land Reconnaissance Ltd. , Cuifenhe 157300, ChinaAbstract:With the development of the technology of production and sciences, the method of uncertainty degree is used to evaluate the surveying results in stead of ‘error' for adapting to modem application. In 1999, China issued the national regulations of metrological technology JJG1059 -1999, named Evaluation and Denotation of Uneertatinty Degree of Survey. Based on the relevant regulations, this paper simply analyzed the distinction between the two evaluating methods, and briefly discussed the uncertainty degree method.[著者文摘]

Key words:error; uncertainty degree of survey

收稿日期: 2006-06-05修订日期: 基金资助:
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